Thursday, April 28, 2005

aplication of haldi, big event Posted by Hello

play with haldi Posted by Hello

play with haldi Posted by Hello

rituals Posted by Hello

boron, to makeher ready for big event Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Look daughter. You look great. Now get ready for the evening party.
 Posted by Hello

Hey, how do i look? Posted by Hello

ready  Posted by Hello

mom may I go, Piu is waiting for me? Posted by Hello

safe and sound, waiting for the final ordeal Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

blessing. grandma to Swarup at brides house. Posted by Hello

total darkness due to power off. bride-groom to leave brides house Posted by Hello

few drops from sky, brise-groom leaving Lake Gardens Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

potato weaknes Posted by Hello

Monday, April 18, 2005

I acknowledge

Rasagollas are my special weakness. So I failed to withdraw my finger from camera shutter key after first suggestion at Kumkum’s Sunday food, fun and adventure party. And potato curry. Rests of the photos are taken by Vivek.

Friday, April 15, 2005

girls Posted by Hello

ladies  Posted by Hello

To forgetful self

I tried hard to find the mission of my life. I was reading 7 Habits etc by Mr. Stephen Covey. I could find none. Instead found ambition which I had had none. That I shall live to become ignoramus and die a simple happy man, is my ambition.
Accordingly I came across a statement that living things are physics, chemistry and little more. I tried to read books of physics and chemistry of which the authors said books are far from finished yet. Again I admit most parts of the books are beyond my comprehension. And ‘little more’ is so illusive that all the wise men of all ages could not hit the bull’s eye.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

rasagollas Posted by Hello

young gen Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

next gen Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

i can catch you Posted by Hello

funny down there Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Dear Ashima,
I think blog is nice place to be alone. Your feeling will be you are out there in the crowd, but in fact you will be all alone. If I am not wrong, women are better blog with good text. Men are techies, use copy, links, photos, software, paintings etc. I lost, in my old machine, my precious blog collection. Let me introduce you to new ones, I came across.
Typical woman’s:
Typical men’s:

There are many many more. Some are good some are like this blog unimpressive.

Dear Partha,
Please remember you had asked that to whom I wrote love letter. Humbly let me beg to state that you are in love not with a person you love. Two are always different. The first one is unreal exist in your brain/mind alone. The second one you can touch or can have photo to live with, and show to others. Please do not get confused if the two seem to be alike. So please bear.

knife and cake Posted by Hello

constipation Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 07, 2005

grain of salt please

“Activity is not achievement. It is not enough to rush about beginning a lot of things and keeping busy. A well-spent life is one that rounds out what it has begun.”
Genius begins great works; labour alone finishes them.”
It is Good to begin well but better to end well.”

Why do I not exercise?
It is laziness alone. But if someday I could do it there will no finish till death.
Then again there are very big works usually taken up by genius only which cannot be finished in one life alone. They need good disciples/followers to continue. Some may continue for many generations.
Some ones’ unfinished work is pillar of success to others and society benefits.
So be aware, all those, I write, read in print and the quotable, are not good enough to take in straight. Please disbelieve.

Mind is what brain does. ---- National Geographic

Monday, April 04, 2005

Quest 0004

Some say mind can train the brain. Some say mind is sometime subconscious. The skull covers the brain. By checking the skull shape and size some thought they could gauge the mind. It is not that simple. Some say they can find out what is in subconscious mind. Can anybody tell me why I am such a big fool (evidence aplenty in this blog), although all have equal amount of cow dung up there?
Do I fall in love, consciously or unconsciously?

Saturday, April 02, 2005

same aaddaaa Posted by Hello

gathering2(aaddaaa) Posted by Hello

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