Saturday, May 17, 2008

Quest 025

It is OK that e-passport will go to President and/or Prime Minister first. Third should go to one commoner, Mr Kalam. Is this request illegitimate from a citizen of India?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Review May 05

Assets are sellable unless a NPA.

But when Ignoramus stated friends as assets he had not thought deeply then in May2005. (Friendship/relationship or) Contacts are exchangeable. Real, longtime tested, friendships are big assets; in fact some assets are not assessable. If one tries to make a sale out of long term friendships one is certainly to make huge incalculable loses, only to be realized later. Can friendship become liabilities? Sometimes assets indeed become liability; to prevent that assets need security, scrutiny, maintenance, sorting, arranging, improving etc.

Revised statement for May2008 is ‘assets are sellable, even NPAs, but some are non assessable’.

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