Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Babble 037a

“All knowledge that world has received comes from the mind;” and these knowledge were transferred to other minds and to scriptures. Although there are possibilities of losses in these transfer phases. When writing was not practiced, minds (and pictures) were only storage devices of world knowledge. But one mind was not good enough to store all knowledge. And Mind as storages devices is less reliable (than scriptures) due to loss of memory and memory distortions. So bunch of young students and group of scholars engaged or were engaged to store knowledge received so far. Development of language improved efficiency. Different bunch of students and scholars were given to memories different parts of knowledge. Perhaps this was the system developed societies followed in those grand old days due to absence of knowledge commissions and distinguished knowledge managers. Had Vedas followed this path and how many years passed, before those became scriptures? “The infinite library of universe is in your own mind.” Quotation is from Vivekananda.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


September, October and November 2005 blogs are full of old and new photos, mostly outdoors. Bengali posts were then also photos. Then one year old this blog was active. Format of the blog was different, that can not be recreated. Ignoramus must look forward not backwards to those old silly beginner posts. No more reviews, perhaps.

Monday, October 20, 2008


This Fish lost her job, not the blog. Un-employment or under-employment is so common in India, not news at all. But loosing jobs is always traumatic every where. In developed countries, excepting the present type of crisis situation, people used to hope for new employment pretty soon. Not getting unemployment benefit is troublesome. In third world social security system is too poor to expect substantial unemployment benefit. Western world is not just mechanical and self-centered, look at those comments.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Babble 036

The internet connection started to limp once again just now. Sify is an IT company. Ignoramus subscribes broadband (256kb max download) line, Sify is the service provider. Perhaps the statement is not accurate.
Whatever, this line is not working for last twelve days, completely disconnected now. Previously it was interrupted often due to a hitch with 40mts overhead cable or its end connectors, between this computer and nearest node. Perhaps they do not want Ignoramus as customer. Ignoramus used to blame BSNL, the telephone and internet connection provider, for bad services. This blog is consolation for some people of that Government owned organization. Some people really suffer after knowing bad performances of their company. Consolation to them is that private companies, their competitors, are equally bad. (BSNL and Ignoramus were disconnected for long time.)
In India we as consumers are waiting for fairly competitive market, although to some extent privatization is achieved.

Art of Living; Art of Science; Science of Living; Does all these make any sense really? Combinations of words may make lot of nonsense’s.

Ignoramus goes to office in time. If he does it for thirty years then it is habit of going to office ‘in time’.
For some work culture the statement is right if his usual time of arrival in office, say, 8:40 to 8:59hrs and official time of starting is 09:00hrs. In a system where work starts whenever he reaches office he will be marked irregular. If actual office work starts at, say, 9:48hrs although 09:00hrs remains office time and he arrives at 09:45hrs everyday punctually the statement holds good too for some other work cultures.

When the net connection had been lost for weeks Ignoramus did not write anything. Once the connection was restored he has started to write blogs. With limited knowledge it may be concluded that B Ignoramus is exhibitionist. Exhibitionists look for audience. Even ghost of an audience is enough encouragement for exhibitionist Ignoramus.

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