Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Swapan, abhijit, hiru and pagladashu
please visit http://bljesak.blogspot.com/ . May we start one blog to promot our not so lovely Kolkata?

Monday, June 27, 2005

addaa a rewrite

At the risk of infringing the copyright act, I quote Mr Salil Tripathy from FEER. “ONE OF THE enduring images of Calcutta is the presence of an adda. Roughly translated as “the place” it is a spot where people gather, often at a street corner, usually at a set time, to discuss and debate. The topic may be anything: French New Wave cinema; differences between Stalinists and Trotskyites; or even whether “the prince of Bengal,” Sourav Ganguly, has outlived his utility as India’s cricket captain. Opinions are expressed freely, and discussions go on for hours, with neither side (assuming there are only two sides) willing to give in easily.”
I use adda or aaddaaa the Bengali word freely in this blog. I tried many times to explain but failed. Thanks to Mr Tripathy.
My father late Bimal K Ghosh ( nickname Kanu) could have done much better with this blog thing. He had intellect, knowledge and flexibility to correct himself if found himself wrong. He had interest aplenty for anything and everything you may name. I am witness to his accepting his error to his early belief and saw him arguing opposite ideas with equal gusto. My mother will not take exception, I hope, he was an ‘adda freak’. He spent large part of his life in adda and with books. He was enviously rich with many highly and some not so intellectual friends of various interests; treated all with equal humility. Discussions sometimes heated up and were always cooled by hot tea-milk-sugar brew. For any discussions with him, if my patience permitted, I would get all side views including those he did not agree with. I saw my mother taking scrap notes (perhaps upon his wishes and availability of her time) of his wise discourses. If I could have them, those notes may add much needed color to this blog.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Bishri Hiya Posted by Hello

no name Posted by Hello

To Pagladashu

I read The Fate of Humanity, being in aaddaaa mood, I shall add few lines.
1st Paragraph last line I shall amend ‘They built weapons for security from the wild animals and also from their own kind, to secure food and to rob.’
In second paragraph I argue that cause of population explosion is not polygamy. Causes are many. Penicillin/antibiotics, new world food production, technology advancement causing more food production, freedom of quick news transmission, early mobilization of food medicine etc to famine infested regions, infancy death reductions (most blames goes to USA and other advanced countries) to name only a few.
Are you evolutionist or creationist? Top few lines of third paragraph emit confusion. Tiger practically is extinct in nature, excepting in very small part of earth and consequences are felt. Some humans are mining new seams of ignorance (I borrowed the phrase from the new book I am reading) in nature and trying to illuminate others. Wellbeing of all depends on their success, our ability to learn and to change practices.
I request to delete the fourth paragraph.
Or you may use patience and rewrite the whole thing.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Quest 007

You mix brain, brawn and beauty, sprinkle little sex and oil with professionalism, result is Sobhaa De. Please touch the link below and read http://www.indianexpress.com/full_story.php?content_id=73154

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Rate of change of change in our life is variable, mostly faster. ‘As broadband changes the way many people experience the internet ------- “The basis for content on the internet is shifting from text to video-----.” says Michael Wolf of Mckinsey----.’ I read today’s newspaper. I hope ignoramus did not quote out of context. Shall I go for broadband? I like text and photographs. It is my idea, that we people are able to make good use of our brain in creating text and photographs, particularly when one is not forced externally to produce them. On the other hand if one is not allowed to talk in Mr. Atalji’s public speaking style, it is very difficult to remain correct and on the course . The video is more difficult to produce, make a point and send intended message. To see/print photographs and read/publish texts, perhaps it is all right to live happily with the present connections.
BSNL is the telephone company that provides me internet connection through copper wire telephony. It is also able to provide broadband connection on same type of wire. Though I myself work in 100% Government owned limited liability company, I admit it is very good place for no ambitious employee/person I am, my allergy to bureacracy of BSNL, a same type of company, my experience as consumer is forcing me to search other connections. VSNL/TATA, a non Government public limited company, is not interested to provide broadband connection to me, I do not know why the apathy, advertisement in their portal convey differently. Their choice of no reply is typically Indian. My search will remain on.

we are invited, chief hostess on the floor. Posted by Hello

Mutual Fund 220605

THE POPULAR HARE AND THE TORTOISE at http://gingerlyyours.blogspot.com/ is a good story.
I shall be happy to share with you Broken lawnmower at http://bornleader.blogspot.com/ .
Mad man is no more but have time to look at what he left on the net at the Lens http://hadess.blogspot.com/ . see old pages.
The Naughty Chair at http://www.blogasmic.typepad.com/ is simply good.
That is all for now.
I shall be busy reading Arthritis at http://www.usnews.com/usnews/health/articles/050627/27arthritis.htm some time.

Monday, June 20, 2005


After prolong haggle Abhijit my friend started a blog with photos of Dooars at http://abhijitsen.blogspot.com/ . Please visit. Hope Hiru may join soon.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Quest 006

"The ancestor of every destructive action, every destructive decision, is a negative thought." -- Eknath Easwaran

We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. -- Swami Vivekananda

I subscribe a free news letter which sends quotes. Ignoramus is tempted to add another Quotation “mind is what the brain does“, with the second one. Gist is ‘know your body and take care’. How did Viv die so early? Was it over consumption?
Ignoramus is unsure of the trueness of first, but who is Mr. Easwaran?

Friday, June 17, 2005

another aaddaaa  Posted by Hello

aaddaaa Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 16, 2005

kono dui praaner bandhu ? Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Oscar Wilde once observed: "In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." That is “Not knowing what to want”. Is it same as not knowing what not to want?

Titly and Una passed Higher Secondary with big scores. Academically I am nobody; I think that is evident in this blog, though I must congratulate them for their good scores. I wish them success (with the help of higher education those they are entitled now to receive) to become balanced human being and able citizens of the world.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

usri, hiya and bandhuli on light jungle trail Posted by Hello

twin and team waiting for tuskers  Posted by Hello

myself and part of my universe around Posted by Hello

Company of attractive people

I am always wrong. Eighteen people were in the team from Kolkata, two more people were hired to drive hired cars. Age limits of the group were seven to fifty three years. West Bengal Forest Development Corp cottages and suite were there to accommodate us last four nights at Sanatalekhola (a brook secluded from locality by few miles, we twenty people are the crowd). Accommodations are perfect for all, only little problematic for Debnath. Debnath after cerebral stroke at early age and prolonged neglect of himself could become physically and mentally challenged. We first went to Jayanti and Boxudooars Fort. Spent three nights, forest was big. Then we went to Gorumara and stayed there in a resort in a teagarden for two nights, we visited nearby wildlife reserves and watchtowers by car. There was little outdoor activity for city people like us such as, bathing outdoors at rivers, streams and brook for fun. Little walk in jungle trails and hill tracks and lot of gossiping or just sit idle looking at nothing but greens all around.

Friday, June 10, 2005

view from Mouchouki and the valley Posted by Hello

who are you? Posted by Hello

watch at watchtower in vain Posted by Hello

do not want a photo Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 09, 2005

road sideshow Posted by Hello

youngest member free to play in the shallow river , 2nd world war railway bridge in the background. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

wish him success in his high school leaving exam  Posted by Hello

freedom in a bright morning Posted by Hello

rythm Posted by Hello

wildlife from a distance Posted by Hello

tea my second love Posted by Hello

center of gravity  Posted by Hello

perfect lazy mood Posted by Hello

perfect holiday morning Posted by Hello

reception new kind in forest  Posted by Hello

feel of the place Posted by Hello

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