Friday, December 29, 2006
bad feed
Ignoramus slept well, in fact overslept, for more than seven hours tonight. When awake he continued to dream about cost of government. How much the Government is spending and what kind of service is being delivered, are those services ------- ? If all those three wings of defenses services of his country are erased, will China and USA occupy India in two gulps? West Bengal will be given to China on a platter, and Bangladesh will be taken in the same gulp. Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaleru, Ahmedabad, Pune will go to USA. Delhi may become New Berlin of the east. But if those two countries fail to act fast due to cost constraints will rulers of Pakistan or Bangladesh will be foolish enough to occupy part of India? Why UK left Indian sub continent? Was it or was it not the cost benefit calculation, that ruling India was becoming costly?
What did Ignoramus eat last night?
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
কিসব হচচএ লিখতে সমইয় লাগবে।
Sunday, December 24, 2006

Ignoramus is proud to call these lovely ladies friends, some of my friends are proud parents.
Saturday, December 23, 2006

my/our cg
on boat to Jamhu Island

blue you bring cheers no blues

no name

No smoking please
Thursday, December 21, 2006

lusty lovers
Monday, December 11, 2006
Bubble of talk 015
Boodhooram can perhaps ideate Irreligious Intolerance. What is secular fundamentalism? In
Mr. Nicholas D Kristof’s column reprinted in Indian Express, Ignoramus arrived at the question. If tolerance is not
secularism is very fundamental in nature. Religiosity is indeed a very big all encompassing business; secularist must always start and repeatedly come back at the fundamentals.
Living men need space, for various level of privacy, real and virtual. Land owning, is not necessity for economically not poor, sentimental at the most.
Men should belong to some group of people, or have feeling like that; humans are social animals. Steel Mittal belongs to a group of people distributed all over the world and Ignoramus belongs to his
In search of ones root one must talk first to Mr Richard Dawkins “The Selfish Gene” and/or Mr Jared Diamond “Gun Germs and Steel”, pop books indeed.