Ignoramus, like any other Commoner, tries to avoid or to keep safe distance from police, party and mafias. Since all three are regular visitors in Courts, common men should try to avoid courts of law and lawyers. After burglary or theft he does not go to police or mafia. But law of this country is such that one has to report a crime even if he does not ask for justice from them. These vast army of people the mafia, police, political party, law councilors and judges will make money out of common people (mostly poor) in the name of constitution and rules and justice.
Ignoramus occasionally reads good deeds of all the above category of people. Sometimes justice was really delivered. Role of police and politicians, in Noida serial child missing case, are glaringly bad examples hard to erase. Goodwill (Sri Man Mohan Sing and Smt Kiran Bedi) is gained after hard work but easy to loose.