Sunday, February 17, 2008
Fouad Alfarhan is jailed without charge in
Boodhooram heard ‘blogging can be a powerful tool’. A tool in democracy is not necessarily handy in autocracy. In religious countries like
Power and big money spoil people. Still it is observed that, not very often, streak of humanism flashes in corrupt powerful and ruling maniacs, and there is the hope for Fouad Alfarhan and his family/friends.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Lovely Love

Due to demand of forest product and demand for space, due to profiteering and fun of killing, and many other causes, in the lifetime of Boodhooram jungles are vanishing very fast. Moreover we city people want all comforts of city life in the jungle, even during our few days visit. Now visiting
Review Feb 05
Feb 2005 Boodhooram pasted Bengali blog first time in his own way; and started pasting photographs in Blogspot. Interesting to Ignoramus is that he supported for citizenship of Lady Taslima and he still supports the idea whole heartedly.
The link to minds are still active in Feb 2005 Blog archives. Ignoramus wants to record a new link to Dr Ramachandran in TED.
Almost at the end of that month’s blog (pasted in Bengali) one point was that Man as a species is going out of tune from nature. After re-evaluation now it can be safely said that causing self destruction is also natural. Thousands of species which became fossils some of them, ignoramus may guess, had worked ways towards their (species) destruction. Only difference perhaps Man is doing it knowingly.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
This machine can become, by use, un-interactive
Ignoramus is dumbfounded by TED. He stopped writing blog and not even reading blog. He made his machine a TV; only downloading and viewing prerecorded TED programs. How an ignoramus can write comments on experts of TED? Questions may come up from ignorance base.