Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Babble Vote

In most constituency number of contestant is more than three. To vote a winning candidate is difficult. Easier still is to vote a losing candidate. Ignoramus voted only once for a winning candidate. All other time in his life he voted correctly losing candidates.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Babble vot

Candidates of parliamentary elections are declaring their declarable properties i.e. cash, immovable and movables etc. Some newspapers are making comparisons of declared wealth of politicians between 2004 and 2009. If candidates could give details of the processes of accumulation of wealth many people, who have no clue for earning their livelihood, might be benefited. These politicians can show off their leaderships by telling how many unemployed got avenues to earn. Election meetings will draw interested people, as crowd.

How to earn a decent income for self and for family is a question for many, in this downturn? 

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

rubbish 3

I am listening to birds, singing in the morning. Is it declaring its presence? ‘Here I exist’ or ‘here I belong’ is declared by twitting. This is socializing with same and dependant species. That the bird roams around, for food for flying and for sex perhaps; this is a declaration that food space met etc might be short in supply in this locality.

Can Ignoramus blog next three months without word “I”?

correction: tweet

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