Tuesday, December 29, 2015


post from email

Friday, October 21, 2011


Oostad Boodhooram Ignoramus is kicking and presumably not dead in অa . 

Friday, December 18, 2009

justice fundu

Lower and upper division clerks and their bosses the secretaries are all known as babus. In Government politicians are counter weights to Babudom. Judicial system balances the system. Free Press supposes to watch upon cartels. But there is no hope after unholy alliance of all four. I am sleeping with 'The idea of justice'.
Fundamentally Might is justice. If one doesn't agree let us rewrite that might implements justice.

বঙ্গ দেশে শীত আসে নাই।

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

lookin forward

This blog is five year old. I shall close this blog to start a new blog in new bottle

Monday, November 23, 2009


Killing time, marching toward death. What did ignoramus do? What is he doing & what will he do? Unimportant & insignificant, absolutely wasted time, it is denigration of life. Useless and worthless blogs writing is also a wasted opportunity. His resolution to learn English for writing readable blogs turned out a farce. Ignoramus is thinking to close this blog. No way; reading and writing blogs kill much of otherwise boring time. 

Babble 046

To avoid over eating is one way to support greening. To go to places walking wherever possible supports greening. Walking takes time; so able time management is a must. Daily dose of walking reduces boring exercise time plus gives Vitamin D.
Greening is important part of sustainable living. Ignoramus tries to practice theory.
Mr Jairam Ramesh just said “stop eating beef” (to reduce hot house gases).

Sunday, October 18, 2009

tail tales

What he knows not Boodhooram thinks he know. He believes he knows. He knows he believes. In short Ignoramus thinks he believes he knows.

Come on

US citizens elect a President and bunch of people as Senators, Congressman, and Governors/Mayors from amongst citizens. In India we do the same but the President and Governors/Mayors. We send representatives who do the job of appointments. All above people are appointed on behalf of and paid by citizens. On behalf of citizens, President appoints Ministers, Judges, Military, Administrators/police and other workers, from amongst the citizens and paid by citizens, to run the country. Who exploit whom?

Entrepreneurs use ideas, workers, land (hired, leased, bought etc), water air power etc to sell product or services at competitive prices. They need buyers. People need products and services and prefer lesser prices. Who do exploit whom?

Appointed Government thinks they will control all activities. So Parliaments enact strings of laws. Bureaucrats used to think they know all. M/s Ambani etc knew to pull the right strings. India got those biggest enterprises. People are getting low price products. Every body forgot about environment and ecology costs and to price it.

Another bunch of business persons are ultra politicians/revolutionists or separatists; highly enterprising thou much destructive. They survive by exploiting disgruntled stake holders of the state who believe others getting more than they deserve. Once established these ultras will show their ugly faces when Government takes counter effective measures. Ultras, commons, live with sword read gun, will perish by the gun. Leaders will survive to tell the tales.

cell money

Cell phone money transfer is effectively employed in comparatively
lawless states in Africa. What is the cost. Why is it not used in
India. What prevents us? Currency is costly too.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Just Ram Sustainable Gur

Sustainable living is a lifestyle choice, Ignoramus thinks.
Majority of middle and upper classes should practice it first and then it will be lectured to economically weak and others. Ignoramus has started reading different ideas on this subject and ‘idea of justice’.
‘Justice is human creation’ idea would have no problem with atheist and perhaps for agnostics. ‘God is human creation’; is it problematic for all believers except Cummunists? Ignoramus is really a satisfactorily confused person. As usual he mixed up Ram Charan and Gurcharan and went to buy a book ‘the difficulty of being good’ by Ram Charan.

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