I am very lazy person. I did e-shopping for two books in gift pack on one of India famous e-shops needless but let me add that full payment is done by e-banking. Books were for birthday gift to my niece Hiya. Perhaps after five days I was informed by e-mail that the shop is sorry to announce the items were out of stock and money will be returned to bank. It isn't a new experience. It is not uncommon to get delivery of factory second for the price of first, broken case or objects perhaps due to inadequate packing, wrong items etc. Some e-sellers offer compensation as bonus points, to rub some more salt. Here e-shops/tele-shops usual delivery time is not less than five days. This is also true, my experience, when buyer and seller are from same metro city. I am a city dweller, I do not know if this service reaches suburbs, forget villages. I guess the shop arrange display on the web site and then forget. OR arrange displays of valued items without stock. When customer order comes purchase officer goes out for good bargain hunts. Then send an email to customer, that so and so items are shipped or out of stock.
Of a under/undeveloped country, in uneven playing field of commerce, consumers suffer. When palm greasing of political/Government power broker become primary, competition is a playing field for criminals/thieves. Customer/consumer is distant secondary. My experience in shopping in Wal-Mart, Target, Homedepo, Amazon.com etc in USA, by which, if I am not wrong, I may say consumers there are more assertive; they punish heavily if standard of service degrade; they value more for quality product/service and able to pay for it.
My humble submission is, although a common knowledge,
quality of customer/consumer devises the quality of commerce/Gov/life.Bye for now, I shall go to a fleece shop.
// posted by Boodhooram Ignoramus @
7:38 AM