Sunday, June 26, 2005

To Pagladashu

I read The Fate of Humanity, being in aaddaaa mood, I shall add few lines.
1st Paragraph last line I shall amend ‘They built weapons for security from the wild animals and also from their own kind, to secure food and to rob.’
In second paragraph I argue that cause of population explosion is not polygamy. Causes are many. Penicillin/antibiotics, new world food production, technology advancement causing more food production, freedom of quick news transmission, early mobilization of food medicine etc to famine infested regions, infancy death reductions (most blames goes to USA and other advanced countries) to name only a few.
Are you evolutionist or creationist? Top few lines of third paragraph emit confusion. Tiger practically is extinct in nature, excepting in very small part of earth and consequences are felt. Some humans are mining new seams of ignorance (I borrowed the phrase from the new book I am reading) in nature and trying to illuminate others. Wellbeing of all depends on their success, our ability to learn and to change practices.
I request to delete the fourth paragraph.
Or you may use patience and rewrite the whole thing.

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