Friday, July 01, 2005

this and that 001

Did tell you I saw Hindu burial ground near Tiljala area of this city? I planned disposal of this body where ignoramus belongs. I shall visit the place, check the procedures there and let you know.

Nobody should kill humans but society accepts many exceptions. There are long debates on euthanasia. I tried to read, I admit very disturbing. I find many otherwise normal human beings are unable to question there own beliefs, live in an illusion of truth/rationality and continue to argue.

Police of my locality were issued gun/rifles with strict instruction not to use them unless was ordered by magistrate or others higher up. Many reports of rifle snatching from polices are read in newspapers.

Usually women keep clean her house. In general for men, it is least important and very easy job, till he takes it up. Chip makers and space/rocket industry know the thing. Let’s go low tech. In any organization day to day cleaning is done by lowest rank of organization hierarchy. Nobody those matter recognizes there efforts.

Who will clean Parliament and Indian Administration which are suffering from large infiltration of goons and dubious characters? All filters in the path of entering those hallowed institution got punctured, reinstallation and redesign is long overdue.

PM of Singapore said that bureaucracy is a big obstacle for business in India. Let me add it make me, the common citizen, corrupt too. LAWS & RULES have to be ruthlessly pruned and procedures to be simplified. This is dream impossible.

I had enquired for second time about broad band at VSNL/TATA website; this time prompt came the reply. My area can not be serviced for the time being. Thanks to VSNL.

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