Thursday, September 29, 2005

thinkin Posted by Picasa

in the sky, towards sky Posted by Picasa

history Posted by Picasa

old very old Posted by Picasa

failure success Posted by Picasa

morning Posted by Picasa

ready for goodmorning Posted by Picasa

good morning Posted by Picasa

ready Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 23, 2005

Language Changes

Sunday, September 18, 2005

where are you? Posted by Picasa

leftovers Posted by Picasa

leftovers Posted by Picasa

exersize Posted by Picasa

unknown morning walker Posted by Picasa

Reclaim Posted by Picasa


I heard Commies supported formation of Pakistan. Culprit Late Shyamaprosad supported division of Bengal; Thanks to him Bangalee Hindu now have West Bengal as their home, else they would have been butchered minority at Bangladesh or became refugee to live in different States of India. Now Mr. Karat is crying for Iran and Iraq; why can he not cry for Bengal that his party had ruined in 25yrs?

After harsh and rough postings I want to be polite and sophisticate. I must write rewrite many time before next posting. Almost a year after blogstart it’s time for a look back.

Days like that’ I want to share with all friends and family.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

noname Posted by Picasa

peace Posted by Picasa

noname Posted by Picasa

noname Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Quest 010

Ms Sania Mirza is the latest victim of fatwaing. Mollahs/Clerics are jealous and backbiting variety of human specimens mostly. She drew the envy of male Clerics after the media glare of playing US Open Tennis tournament. Able politicians are almost all replaced by typical scoundrels. These two domains are for male coveters. Those two bad breaths can only be partially cured if only large number of women can get in.
Ms Mamata Banarjee is exception. Mr. Rituparno Ghosh the eminent film director possess sensibility of a woman in his male body, she is devoid of it. The ruling parties of West Bengal are very happy, they got her as opposition leader, and she has no bite, only barks. The rulers do whatever they wish; good or bad, and she run after trivia.
In West Bengal and Agartala two Bangalee majority States of India are ruled by Communists. Bangladesh is ruled by another nonseculer force. In all the cases absence of constructive opposition is glaringly observed. What happened to Bangalee psyche?

Tis and That 005

Exploitation is much maligned word in my environment/locality. (Profit is a bad word too.) “To make unethical use of for one‘s own advantage or profit; specif., to make profit from the labor of (others) without giving a just return” this Webster quote dominates our senses. The word ‘just’ depends very much upon my position in society. Enterprise and entrepreneur words are somehow not that bad. Rich is filthy till it’s out of my reach. Except those entrepreneurs, all filthy riches are favored son/daughters of not so impartial God or Devil or Mr. Jyoti Basu.

At last I visited and met my sick friend Swapan in hospital after he came down to shared cabin from Intensive Care Unit (that means seriousness reduced). Doctors suspect unknown virus is cause of problem. A bonus, I met Mani too.

Help is an essential and important word in life. For social animals help come from members of society and for all animals it comes from within and sometime from nature. Even macho men find help from outside is essential in his sick bed. Whenever I feel depressed and down, run to my friends particularly to my girl friends for a recharge. Present set of my friends make me rich; they are precious apiece. Memories of old friends (with whom contacts are lost or loosing) make me extremely proud too. In retrospection and introspection it is observed that renewal of old contacts are seldom very desirable because rate of change vector are different for all. Dwijesh’s mother, Mrs. Chatterjee is sick and is in hospital. I shall visit her tomorrow.

Entrepreneurs build up and exploit contacts. Friends exploit friendship. Please consult and take help from the dictionary or call on ignoramus to understand exploitation. (Prepared on 11th September 2005, could not post.)

Sunday, September 04, 2005

ulta pulta

we friends

After going to reception of hospital to visit a hospitalized close friend (Swapan Das) I forgot his name and had to come back; a remarkable experience indeed. My failure to remember his surname is tolerable, close personal friends hardly uses surnames. I could remember his wife and daughter’s name. Abhijit solved it, saying “you think of Mani (his beautiful wife) all the time”. I shall be most happy to know his quick recovery.

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