Another revolutionary success, the parties in the Govt. sponsored another strike. I should be very happy, thanks to lefties in the Govt, my salary is protected. Earning isn’t protected for the most. Not-so-lucky has to bear with it. Dogmatic lefty’s behaviors are becoming repulsive by the day. Or perhaps it is my age. In West Bengal, Late Ajoy Mukherjee was Bhagirath for communists. Let us see if Mr. Manmohan and Ms Sonia can do the same at Delhi. We Bangalees voted communists in, but unable to throw them out.
RSS claim to be a culture forming organization. A total lie; It is very ambitious (group of people) organization, want to take full control of Indian political power. Can it prevent communists from acquisition of the throne at Delhi?
// posted by Boodhooram Ignoramus @
5:49 AM