Friday, November 04, 2005
Unsettling Probe
Very lucky indeed; a born Hindu Indian does not need to be burdened with God, Demon or Deity. Hindus have cast problem; not to born in a low cast family is a boon, lucky here too. Boodhooram is lucky not to born in a family of believers in Islam or Christianity where he would have been burdened to prove his religiosity by instituting conversion or killing other people of another faith. My father believed in (another new religion) Communism during my birth; luckily he changed to rationalism of free market and of individual freedom of expresion (perhaps closer to Gandhism in belief) with great struggle. So I saw from sideline broadsides of revolutionary communism, militant trade unionism, free market capitalism and parliamentary democracy quite early in life. My mother first worked in merchant organization and then joined a reputed Secondary School as teacher. Both my parents were earning so we did not suffer poverty. My foundation of morality was developed by my maternal grandmother. She taught us not to heart any living thing or not to disturb nature if one’s primary needs are met. Happiness comes through sharing not just getting more. My parents tried to teach me to live simple and to think big; they aren’t that successful here though. However luckiest thing happened to ignoramus when this ambitionless person was enrolled for employment in a Government undertaking corporation; the result is uninterrupted monthly salary for last twenty five years and almost assured of another six years. Not a macho man, but average good health so far must make Boodhooram feel lucky. Highly supportive family relations and very precious friendships is itself a jackpot of good lucks. I am lucky to have many many more good lucks.
With all those good lucks, “what are you going to do?” a very probing question.