Thursday, December 29, 2005
Bubble of talk 011

The belief that there is no god and godlessness are not concurrent. This can be experienced by a person who was born in an environment of believers then try to disbelieve; disbelief is a belief. Godlessness is a different state of mind.
OIC, is it organization of Islamic countries? OIC should adopt Afghanistan. Now that the Md Mahathir at the helm it is ideal time to do something positive. USA/UN hand over to OIC, god willing, for fine tuning of that country.
Hmmm...Do blogs count as journalism?...hope not.
Wish the author and her interpreter/driver/chowkidor safety from polices and extra-do-gooders.
I salute to the policeman Late Imran Ahmed Siddiqui for doing his duty till death; he was bodyguard to OC on 27th Oct. Police force was helping demolition and freeing Government Land in my locality, from encroachment.