Look at changes every where. If I try to remain unchanged the world will pass by. I work in an organization which is 100% owned by Government. Once this company was a monopoly in the industry, now we are minority player. Other non Govt companies earned almost 70% market share. We are no more a biggest player either. Different categories of persons’ interests of our company are looked after by five or six union/associations. Once we could threat to cripple the industry. This privilege is no more. We opposed privatization. Now we are unable to say no. But (UN/) luckily there is nobody to take over this white elephant.
To save our job and earnings my productivity must increase. In my company order and direction come from higher up; I do not know from where. I being very small cog in one of many big wheels of this company, think people up there live in some stratosphere. Will those Associations take extra step to lookout for productivity/modernization?
// posted by Boodhooram Ignoramus @
6:04 PM