Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Babble 024
Disbelief in non-believing
This world is heating up, rate of heating not yet fixed, almost all observatories are saying. Is it a natural phenomena or an artificial manly doctoring? (Some may believe it’s a god wish.) Is it possible that both are correct?
Begging is a livelihood. Giving alms to the needy, a must in almost all religions originating in
Robin Hood is a romantic idea. Robbing as livelihood is chosen profession for only small number of people. Number of thieves is bigger than that of robbers. Sex working is livelihood for considerable some. Soldiers, mercenary and military, are in livelihood of fighting wars.
Hunting and gathering are most primitive livelihoods; modern people can not hope to take. But fishing as livelihood is still popular. Agriculture is choice for largest chunk of mankind as livelihood. Variety of livelihoods in agriculture and horticulture is innumerable almost.