Thursday, November 22, 2007
Babble 026
Men had lived in communes sometimes, Ignoramus assumes, before Marx expounded his theory. But Marxists patented Communism. Marxism evolved into Leninism, Maoism etc. Is shape of communes in theoretical Communism same as before? Ignoramus assumes Marxism in
Marxists also patented ‘armed struggle and revolution’. Patent claim can be contested here too; Islamism had sanction of armed struggle and terrorism. Marxism and Islam both allow annihilation to a large extent today. Rests of the isms have their share of violence, terror and murders, at many points of time in history.
Biggest destruction and torture of this planet earth is done in the name of consumerism. There were many dramatic climate changes on earth through out its life. Many living things perished in large numbers at particular points of history and prehistory; some are known, some are guessed and many will remain unknown. Now pundits are predicting, due to unstoppable consumerism, self-annihilation of mankind. They couldn’t find the exact date of doom yet; but melting of ice and severe cyclones are observable they said.