Saturday, November 03, 2007
Ignoramus wrote this morning.
Boodhoo failed to write ten lines end of the day; could try three times to think nothing; find time to select two items of CVSs for BVSs; could call three female persons; his sky was very dull and clowdy all day and night; looked at ten different trees but could not name them in English; observed ten plus livelihoods; could engage with no person, a total failure; did eat more than ten different preparations some of them are home made; first of all is it a list of ten or nine that Ignoramus have written in the morning?
Ignoramus wrote in the previous morning;
1. write the list of ten uses of ten today. Boodhooram will
2. eat ten different preparations whole day.
3. engage in talk with ten people in home and office.
4. try to watch and observe ten livelihoods in city life.
5. look at ten different trees and try to remember there shapes and peculiarities.
6. remember to look at the sky ten times at hourly intervals.
7. call to ten female members of friends and family.
8. select ten CVSs to ponder for BVSs.
9. try ten times to think nothing for ten seconds today.
10. end of the day write in ten lines the whole mess.