Thursday, December 04, 2008

Babble 039

Difference between humans and rest of living things: man make religion/ideals/law/rules/regulations (mostly for others) to obey/follow and often very much different from natures laws. All other living things obey natural laws only. We humans, even in the name of development, go against grains of nature.
‘Success’ in longevity, infant mortality, and life expectancy have to be re-evaluated. Human population is growing at high speed plus long lives make rate of increase of consumption, becoming exponential, unsustainable.
There are maniacs who in the name idealism/religion want to kill hundreds or thousands. There are incurable bad people who in the name of power/politics ‘successfully’ engineer riots to kill millions. Ignoramus easily imagine of state leaders, if not checked, can destroy part of the earth, in the name of self defense, with the help of weapon of mass destructions. In the world of business apparently sane people, in the name of ‘success’ and profit, use chemicals or technical processes harmful to mankind or other living creatures. All these together will not dent much in population growth story. One huge debate is raging that there is evidence of environment is heating; are we, humans, the cause. Whatever, if the evidence is true, the effect of heating up will affect population badly.
It is very natural we living creatures love to have sex; survival of gin. Again abstain from sex is also at times natural, survival of gin. To live, procreate, fight for food and sex even die, fight till death for survival of offspring, abandon offspring sometimes, suicide, all for survival of gin, not individual gin but for gin of the species. There is lot more to be discovered.
The laws or rules so far made (by humans) were based on religion/politics/philosophy and/or other non science based knowledge. Those old knowledge bases of religion/rules/laws must now be questioned often with new knowledge. We have many redundant rules and laws; these should not crowd the rule books. Young and old professional politicians run for seats of parliaments, assemblies, municipalities to be part of state power system. We, public, pay, direct and indirect taxes, their salary and pension etc. Often they work for personal gains using state and party positions. How to make them do their work?

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