Friday, December 26, 2008

Babble 042

Good and bad; all happenings can be god to some and bad to some; all happenings can be somewhat good for ignoramus and bad too. As that news goes Dalits had entered a temple. Being ignorant of the details of last ten years, ignoramus feels happy and unhappy at the same time.

Those Dalits, who force enter the temples after ten years of fight, are Hindu by birth. Who had stopped their entry, so long, were also Hindus. And both of the groups are God-Deity believers. Perhaps some of them are somewhat educated by any standard. Why after sixty years of independence this makes a headline in Hindu majority State?

All religions and dogmas have these sorts of problems. Perhaps in certain age castes were useful to some societies. Today we carry the baggage. Hindus of today do not need it. We like any other developing societies keep these divisions set aside quickly, individually and collectively. Perhaps Boodhooram Ignoramus is ignorantly qualified to say so. Ignoramus, himself a Hindu by birth, is a product of inter caste marriage and is living with many inter-caste married families. He had seen, in his teens, one of his parents came out of dogma of communism. And he could, thanks to his Grandma and other liberal ancestors, get out of God-deity-haven-incarnations belief. ‘Yes we can’, it is possible to come out of junk beliefs. We can change our beliefs, if we want.

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