Tuesday, May 05, 2009
rubbish 4
By constitution of our make up we talk, blog, email, sms, write essays, etc. by way of showing off our knowledge or confusion or just to declare our existence; we are primed by evolution to talk. Society and mankind benefited and prospered from others folly and also some wisdom. Meme and teme flows from ‘I’ to many ‘I’s.
‘I’ is a colony trillion living various cells, divided from single cell conceived in mother womb. Colony of cells in brain tries to build concept of ‘I’. (This blog is byproduct of a dysfunctional colony of cells in brain.)
My friend asked me ‘how would you explain different level of emotion in different individuals (in particular situation).’ To the beloved fool ‘I’ said “How could I, Ignoramus isn’t an expert”. Perhaps a million cells responded to that stimulus. These cells at different times may try to answer that in a different way.