Thursday, July 09, 2009


Babble 39cv: curtail is error; cartel is intended.
Rubbish 3: met is improper, mate is better.
There are many errors and slips in this blog. Had I had knowledge/ability, all could be corrected. I only apologize.
There can be many questionable/wrong ideas too. ‘Doctors are not scientists’ is an example. Some doctors became scientists and vice versa. In big institutions doctors mostly become technicians, they just follow manuals. Boodhooram imagine a doctor should take calculated risk. Patient party will always think that as negligence/error, is problematic.
Most of beggars we see are professionals. Individuals beg for small money. When in institutions some beg for thousands and millions. Some are very good at begging some are unsuccessful. We all beg once in a while in life. Begging is natural ability for humans, some can do more than others, and this talent can be honed.
Common ID card i.e. Unique Identification Card, the very attempt is great. How much will it cost? I am ready to donate or buy my card.

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