Thursday, March 31, 2005
back after realisation ignoramus wants to stay.
Sunday, March 13, 2005

Why not?
Saturday, March 12, 2005

nice gathering (aaddaaa)

toast for life after winter

Tobacco, tea and thought
Friday, March 11, 2005

reflection of scatter-brain
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Believe me; I did not write love letters and poetry ever. Can you suggest the best way to learn the first? Someday, I hope, will be able to write few love letters that will change the world around me. Alas but who will read it except myself. Nobody have the time to waste, and that too reading love letters. But its all right, lovers know love letters are for writing and sending. it is my first try.
My Love, my heart goes out to kiss you on your cheek the left one, your face the beautiful world of mine. The purpose of this one life is to be with you however brief that time may be and of course that must be a cause of fun and happiness for you. Once I dreamt to become air to touch you all over to comfort you. Now I imagine becoming your mind to be able to make you happy and fulfilled. You are the only cause of my existence but I am pathetical selfish and self centered by nature. I am trying very hard, dear (in fact you are my darling), to understand self so that one day will be able to weed it. Then this dumb head shall be with you, become you, and you forever. Are you afraid? Myay hoon naa ( I am here)! -------- Love, love, love, love, love, love you ----- one of Your grasshoppers etc.

for you
Monday, March 07, 2005
Public S
Yesterday at the closing hours in my office from the window I saw a big crowd intently watching something, I also joined the crowd. People were watching mating of snakes. It is subject of movie, a long drawn process. Usually my Bengalese middle class manners do not permit looking at mating of dogs, cats or cows publicly. I try to keep my eyes, in public, firmly away while doves, sparrows or cockroach do it. Somehow here I found all my colleagues, men and women, unabashedly and intently watching this blue film act. I admit in our office premises kids were not present.
After the above show I had an appointment with Abhijit, at the marbled steps of Rbindra Sadan, the theater hall. After taking my seat on the steps, I had to keep my eyes shut. In front of me around a small water pond boys and girls were seating in pairs and some were doing almost same as above. To the authority, my humble request, please do not disturb them and have police to protect them. OH! Later I found intent watchers watching the act from outside of the premises boundary walls. The show was complete.

shiri niche
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Run away
I can not nurse people. I am afraid of seeing people suffer. My old friend Khokan who can not find any job, unemployed for long time, was offered a job that includes, Indians are bad toilet users to say the least, public toilet cleaning. He ran away. If job of nursing of bloodied or bedridden patient is offered to me I have to do the same i.e. run away. I shall hide in a room and blog. Two of my aunts, wives to my maternal uncles, are able nurses by profession. I admit I have soft corners for them. As a matter of right, by Radha-Krishna tradition, I can go soft of these two relatives, but this, I admit, is extra softness. Not all can run away, mostly due to monetary constraints. Those who can not run away but dislike the job, make bad nurses, bring bad names to the profession.
Likewise parents force their wards to be doctors. Often these doctors find solace in selling/sharing soap/cosmetics by multilevel marketing Amway, the great American way.
Patients suffer.

my chair is ready.

My Neighbors
Thursday, March 03, 2005

Oh that camera !
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
My religion
The latest godless religion Communism, and its subtler elder brother Socialism, could not contain two elder religions Christianity and Islamism. In China, the last refuge of communism, the party is trying very hard, even compromising by giving up space to capitalism. In my state West Bengal in India communists learn to coexist with all other religions to remain in power. Many religions perished or are almost dead. Judaism and Hinduism though much older still somehow manage to exist along with neo- Jainism and Buddhism. Although I am born Hindu, I do not know detail religion, I do not have wish to learn more of it, and I am not believer of existence of god and goddesses to whom mantras are addressed to. Even then, I think, I am a Hindu because Hinduism for me is a culture, a life style, an outlook.