Sunday, July 31, 2005

no name

Traveled Eyes wide apart to reach sketchdump

Khokan writes

On 5th of July I did reel off my old friend Khokan. He wrote a small patch of his life in Bengali, I am posting it here. If he continues he will need a separate blog.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Serious Quest

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Very soon perhaps after few years of my death there will be only one dominant currency UNO or something. Europe is test case. I am still holding some German D’Mark currency coins and notes, those I kept for future use today useless but relics of the past. People of Europe could not agree common constitution in its present form; they soon find a way to mould one acceptable to all. With Euro success UNO can not be far away. It may come in dematerialized form if its arrival is little late.
Air, energy and water scarcity problem will have to be solved globally. Realization of problems will hit soon to the mass i.e. common man and leaders alike. We shall understand there is no place to run away from the problem. I would really enjoy living that world where people look above all religions Communism, Socialism, Islamism, Jainism, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism etc, other division or distractions and work together to overcome the challenge of existence or extinction. Perhaps I shall thank Al Quida. This Mr. Laden the great demon herded all mighty state powers together (against him). This is habit forming will be useful in future.

stroll Posted by Picasa

no name

Eyes Wide Apart is a very good blog to spend time.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Quest 008

there can not be any short answer to your short quest.
Please visit some of the following websites if you have time. ------ (dead but does not stink)

please do not try any dictionary the word is new, i think, web and log fused to become blog.
pure text is not my favourite cup of tea. the last link is well balanced with photos and text. ---------------------- ignoramus

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 9:18 AM
Subject: What is BLOG?
What is BLOG?

no name

That employees are kicked out for blogging, is old news. Now here is a report that some bosses do blog. Read

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

LL another M

There is no bar for writing love letter in a rainy month I presume. My first and so far the last was logged on 10th March. That was a murder. Permit me another try.
Come darling, come closer my inamorata (I got it from Thesaurus) to ignoramus. My time (I am talking Newtonian time, can not count the Einstein time) is delimitated by death-birth. You are immersed in hope of rebirth and immortality. When it rains I feel your touch. I look out of window you are out there in the rain. When storm wind lashes I understand intimacy. The other day I tried to touch you, you shied away. Today you are fearless my lovely. Your thunder is proof of your mood. Now you care less of destruction you may cause. Destruction is precursor of all creation. Come, come let us play and dance till we lust. ------------ Your soundless cricket loves you limitless.

Sunday, July 17, 2005


There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad. Salvador Dali
Wise persons know what they are. I lack conviction in my ignorance. Ignoramus

Friday, July 15, 2005

rain cum jhoma jhom

Partha’s elder cousin brother will allow us; in fact, we made him invite us to arrange picnic at his garden/firm outskirts of Kolkata. Rainy season came late but so far doing it‘s job fine. Almost everyday we have to use umbrella, Calcuttans suffer water-logging as usual. So let us dream July 31, 2005 the Sunday a grand garden party with friends, fried fish, fun, fiesta and little Whisky in rain.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Bureaucracy is good and bad. Orthodoxy is good and bad. I enjoy the benefit silently and cry foul when it hurt. My job protection (I work in Government owned company in transport and tourism industry) is benefit of B&O, I enjoy very much. But every day customers are running away towards new private companies our competitors. This is cause of worry to me. My company has to change the custom and habits of distorted monopoly days. But it is prisoner of B&O in and out. So called progressives from m/s late Jawaharlal Nehru to today’s Prakash Karath helped to protect our jobs. Personally I must thank them all. I only suffer a little, due to my rising ignorance, when I try to fathom the cost.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Erroneous English write-ups in this blog are eyesore to others, and shame to my friends and relatives. My negligence at early age is the cause of my weak foundation, self inflicted wound those stink now. My proficiency with mother tongue is equally poor. Good point is not many visit this blogspot. I apologize to you all; I shall try to improve language skill. This fear of making laughable (and disgusting to some) errors prevent many from writing letters or blogs. Thus many stories will remain untold. Many humors will not be unraveled.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Please visit Mirror of Desire. Hiya started new blog.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

myself takenby Bunku, make up artist Ashima, both are my friends. Posted by Picasa


Khokan is a friend of mine. Old one, perhaps we started when my age was 14yrs. He was then body-building fanatic and a fan of Darasing, the star of Hindi film and prowrestler. He, like me, neglected study. My parents forced me to finish schools. His parents, they had many kids, mismanaged; Khokan left school early. I invited this friend of mine to write chit in Bengali to publish in this blog. If he could start and get the hang of it, he may have a blogspot for himself.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

This and That 002

I visit this blog almost everyday more than once. By reading comments I know beyond doubt that Debu, Abhijit and author of Blogasmic did visit once. Vivek and Hiya did that in front of me with the home computer. My mother and my friends (Hiru, Swapan and Partha) told me that they had visited at least once. I have reason to think my cousin brother Swaran and niece Pompy visited once each. That is all. Hiya is the youngest and my mom is the eldest. I try utmost not to offend your tastes and beliefs. Here in the blog I may use freedom of speech bluntly that I am unable to do in real life.

I shall socialize. One can not neglect this part of life. After all man is social animal.

Hiya and Swapan registered their blog, did not post yet. It is no news.

Unbelievably, I heard, hemoglobin count of Aruna reached 3 and after injections and iron tonics came to 6. She is now in Naihati. And her husband Debnath, both are my friends, managed to break his paralyzed hand. He is now in Jamshedpore. I resolved to take no part in their sufferings. Bye.

Finally to my adult girl friends please visit , for others it’s of no use.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

no name

usri and bandhuli
dear friends, i am missing shouts "how sweet!" . please visit the link.
and some day i wish you will be able to make some such sweet blogs too. Thanks

Friday, July 01, 2005

this and that 001

Did tell you I saw Hindu burial ground near Tiljala area of this city? I planned disposal of this body where ignoramus belongs. I shall visit the place, check the procedures there and let you know.

Nobody should kill humans but society accepts many exceptions. There are long debates on euthanasia. I tried to read, I admit very disturbing. I find many otherwise normal human beings are unable to question there own beliefs, live in an illusion of truth/rationality and continue to argue.

Police of my locality were issued gun/rifles with strict instruction not to use them unless was ordered by magistrate or others higher up. Many reports of rifle snatching from polices are read in newspapers.

Usually women keep clean her house. In general for men, it is least important and very easy job, till he takes it up. Chip makers and space/rocket industry know the thing. Let’s go low tech. In any organization day to day cleaning is done by lowest rank of organization hierarchy. Nobody those matter recognizes there efforts.

Who will clean Parliament and Indian Administration which are suffering from large infiltration of goons and dubious characters? All filters in the path of entering those hallowed institution got punctured, reinstallation and redesign is long overdue.

PM of Singapore said that bureaucracy is a big obstacle for business in India. Let me add it make me, the common citizen, corrupt too. LAWS & RULES have to be ruthlessly pruned and procedures to be simplified. This is dream impossible.

I had enquired for second time about broad band at VSNL/TATA website; this time prompt came the reply. My area can not be serviced for the time being. Thanks to VSNL.

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