Thursday, December 29, 2005
Bubble of talk 011

The belief that there is no god and godlessness are not concurrent. This can be experienced by a person who was born in an environment of believers then try to disbelieve; disbelief is a belief. Godlessness is a different state of mind.
OIC, is it organization of Islamic countries? OIC should adopt Afghanistan. Now that the Md Mahathir at the helm it is ideal time to do something positive. USA/UN hand over to OIC, god willing, for fine tuning of that country.
Hmmm...Do blogs count as journalism?...hope not.
Wish the author and her interpreter/driver/chowkidor safety from polices and extra-do-gooders.
I salute to the policeman Late Imran Ahmed Siddiqui for doing his duty till death; he was bodyguard to OC on 27th Oct. Police force was helping demolition and freeing Government Land in my locality, from encroachment.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Selfish wish list
Ignoramus is planning to go to one in few years and surely Ignoramus can not afford to have a house for himself. A house is made of brick and mortar or other things plus security and company; moreover an old man needs extra support and cares. I saw some old person very courageous and self sufficient to live in their own house alone. Ignoramus is not like them; not a solo type. Ignoramus wants to live alone amongst people of all shapes. At present I am much grateful to my relatives (my sisters, aunts and others) for my upkeep; this burden may go up soon, so is the need for alternate planning.
Ignoramus is selfishly preoccupied in looking at self for amusement/entertainment. I am thankful to all my friends, relatives and all wise persons around us for company and guidance. Ignoramus wishes to continue daydream of being gardener.
Please do not but if you can not help, bring one small potted live plant as gift on any occasion.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
No solace
Tutors let the pupil have shortcut to answers. They drive to the solutions; but no-tutor means, to learn the hard path to answer along with strong muscles, of how to arrive at the right one, very important for life. The school (S.P.) fosters competition very much. Does it stress on cooperation amongst students as well?
I am and was a very bad student. I can not tell you what is good or bad for bright students. Let me share my experience though. I was tutored on all subjects by private tutors some part of my school life. My growth was really good only when I was studying in groups (untutored).
This much I could write after many rewrites; I shall try to rewrite the whole thing.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Quest 013 & 014
What is the source of income of whole time politician? The politicians, I understand, think that to take money for talk about something or raise a question in Parliament is unethical. Let me unashamedly state that I do not feel the business unethical. One industrialist MP is asking for more salary for his companions; no use; see those Gov Offices. Austere and ascetic life of Gandhiji is role model for politicians in India at least for the show. We must keep in mind here, that was pre-independence time and M/s Birla and many interested others bore the expenditures for public works and black goat milk. Post independence conditions and values change a lot. Money receipt is a must in those question deals.
Shall we common people use Right to Information Act?
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
no name
Monday, December 12, 2005
Brothers Day rituals
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Our case, I mean Indian, is different, we have homeless families, along with singles, around us. Pardon me; I have seen shanties where living conditions are worse than homelessness. One may say that people made footpaths, railway stations or tree sheds their home. They cook, wash, give birth, marry, die and do all other activities of a homely life in the open.
To large extent homelessness around me can only be solved with rise in economic activities. Trade union activist will keep strict watch on implementation of minim mum wages rules. I shall join NGO looking after low wage workers’ safety. Merry Christmas.
Friday, December 02, 2005
I often read a statement ‘leaders do the right thing and managers do the thing rightly’. If I elaborate ‘leader does what he thinks right’. The king is right in parading with the fine gold dress till the child shouted ‘the king is naked’. Al Queda leaders have the ability to do what they think right. Their managers the franchises are doing rightly.
Jihadis are doing most of things with the aim of spreading Islam as I understand the game. By killing and maiming people and causing destructions/caos they are making Islam dirty, shallow and uninteresting in the mind of nonbeliever.