Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
So I ran
I ran to her house yesterday after office without notice/calls. She and BBB were going out shopping, a pressure releaser for ladies, you know no doubt. I tagged along. Old Lion was out in the jungle to arrange his next feast and Dear Deer was in office/factory running the show. We landed at Dakshinapan the Govt created shopping mall. We made round and round, we talked, BBB purchased one thing perhaps known as ghagra, could not find another item churni I think. Not so freshly steamed momo and coffee was our refreshment. We wished we should meet again soon and parted. This beautiful company of friends for a short evening refueled me. Isn’t it instant dating?
Sunday, August 28, 2005
New Name
But want inside me to be international and to prove my genus I took the name Ignoramus. The name is same type as Nostradamus. So my new name is Boodhooram Ignoramus.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
no name

From: "tilak ghosh" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 5:55 AM
Subject: ticket
please visit ---- ignoramus
Dear Tilak,
I visited
In future I would address big emails to But this one is not big (only 14+8 = 22 KB) and I am taking the liberty to send it to your Outlook Express, because of background music.
You think a great deal and seem to attach importance to qualifications considered important by statistically normal individuals. But statistical normalcy has nothing to do with true sensitivity, which you have in plenty and that makes you a coveted and pleasant company to me. By the way, you also belong to another "minority group", i.e. of "LISTENERS". We all want to talk, but there are hardly any listeners!
There is an item in today's “Times of India”. It's reported that recently a student asked a panel of Nobel laureate scientists in New York, if a good scientist can simultaneously believe in “God” and science. The emphatic answer from one Nobel laureate scientist was “No”.
I never desired nor dreamt of winning a Nobel (or any other) Prize, nor do I have claims to be a dramatic genius. But I am surprised that a responsible Nobel laureate scientists did not bother to check what the student meant by "God" or how the scientists themselves define "God" before they can intelligently answer to the question in the positive or in the negative. One has to have a clear perception of what one is debating about. Concept of "God" varies from person to person. Most of the time persons argue and fight in the darkness without checking what they are fighting about. Generally people suppose "God" is a supernatural entity and akin to an imaginary ghost.
Whenever someone asks me if I believe in "God", I counter him/her by asking what he/she means by the term "God" and the person usually fumbles and beats a hasty retreat.
I enjoy asking scientists and pompous intellectuals if they believe in science. If they say "yes", I ask them if they believe that there are scientific reasons behind each individual's fate, fortune, joy, misery and suffering. Despite their stated claim to have belief in infallibility of science, the scientists and intellectuals find it difficult to affirm that the universe or nature is scientific, and individual's fate is dictated by his/her own deeds. I am wonderstruck that people who say that they believe in science, don't believe that there are scientific reasons behind actual happenings. To me such people are immature, superficial and shallow. Their levels of maturity are hardly different from superstitious people who indulge in infantile hocus pocus and have faith in chimerical gods.
Swami Vivekanand, who according to some wise guys is no better than a felon, said that "God" (or an individual's perception of “God”) improves with the individual's own maturity.
I wish you hosted this question in your blog?
"Do people believe in science? Do they believe that there are scientific reasons behind happenings in nature (including calamities like tsunami)? Do they believe individuals are parts of nature and that there are scientific reasons behind their good or bad fortunes? Do the wise guys hold that the fates of individuals and groups (i.e. "groups where birds of the same feather flock together") have no scientific basis? Why then the same set of wise guys claims that they believe in science?
Won't it be honest for such wise guys to admit that they don't believe in supremacy of science, but partly believe in fuzzy logic and superstitions too?"
According to Indian (Hindu) observation (i.e. "darshan"), the "prakrity" or "world of illusion" is absolutely and utterly scientific. It says, "As you sow, so you reap". But one's "will" is not a part of nature, and this "will" or "consciousness (even partial consciousness)" is forever free to decide how one wants to respond to a given situation, or context - which is again a consequence of one's own past deeds.
Based on my exposure to some capsule courses in Defence Management - I understand that to a limited extent modern management theories support this view. But Indian "darshan" goes steps ahead and says that depending upon past deeds and resultant maturity of an individual or a mob, he/she or the mob is presented with successive stages of tougher tests, through threats and temptations, to determine his/her or mob's level of maturity and integrity - for further enlightenment, confusion or destruction. Total enlightenment or “vision of full truth”, “mature love” and “absolute power” mean one and the same thing and is reserved for the bravest child. At the end of post-natal life, a fully mature and bold child is delivered from the womb of Mother Nature to blissfully ascend to the body-less luminosity of cosmic consciousness, ultimate soul (param_atma), or absolute datum - from where this scintillating creation originates and ramifies.
You must be happy with your life if this is the life that you wanted. Command over language, university degrees, statistical normalcy (i.e. conformity), political-prowess or material wealth doesn't affect essential success and peace in life.
Jamai 'babu.
N.B. One is free to add music in blog. Please go to Jhal Muri in the link for a sample. --- ignoramus
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
This and That 004
Bengalese’ khichurree is made of rice and pulses boiled together with little this and that; a menue consisting of khichuree and Hilsa fry is one of the top. It was raining since midnight I heard Bhaskar was telling to his wife “this is a perfect khichuree day”.
How is wireless internet connection? Costly but why should I not explore? VoDATA from TATA and similar thing Data Card from Airtel are two items on my view. Apprx price Rs 15 thou will make me free to move to any room any house any locality in a city. Running cost is almost same.
Problem of getting a telephone connection is now matter of choice only but bigger problem is exit. I heard about such difficulties for credit cards.
Hiya was practicing her math problems. She had the correct answers at the back of the book. There is no (correct) answer pages/books to our life problems. One can try to reach more correct answers and try to compare his/her answers with those of people in similar problems. Accordingly truth is also almost true depending on time and other conditions. This realization is symptom of adulthood, isn’t it?
Saturday, August 20, 2005
please let me add i saw high tech blogs but my blog is low tech. and i find it user friendly, as simple as e-mailing. to start a blog please go to left corner at the top of this page and strike and shout 'cheecheeng phnuuck'. Bon voyage.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tilak Ghosh
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 6:18 AM
Subject: Fw: no mail (rewrite)
mails are being sent occasionally by me. I sit with computer to blog mostly. vivek also write blog. if you have a knack for reading please go to his blog " Its my life " . Since the camera has been bought my blogspot is full with snaps. please arrange time for a visit at " day i live " and abhijit's. some of you may find yourselves in photos. you are free to download and reuse them.
blog is a word which could not be accommodated in many dictionaries. meaning of blog varies . there is a debate, some use it as journal , others disagree. forms of blogging are varied. whatever, blogging has become very popular time cruncher among netizens and others, somewhat productive, much better than watching soaps on TV. (my hunch is women, fed up with soaps, are taking over the arena.) so far vivek and ignoramus are active for last six months. debu just vanished after a feeble start.
aruna ------ I sent a long mail many days ago for your eyes only, awaiting reply. -------------- ignoramus
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Minority freak
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
EBay is a place for e-trade. One can sell or buy things here. EBay works as exchange. Freakonomics was bought here. I am buying other things too. After reading Freakonomics I am in doubt. Are those things clean? Is the cell phone, I am buying here, coming from rightful owner. Cell phone theft is rampant, I lost one.
And that book raises questions, why did ignoramus not try to date. What should I write about myself in the dating proposal? I am more than five feet, less than 75 Kg and 55 years, have black hair, eyes and complexion, have no car and can not drive or sing, earn over Rs 15 thou, bad conversationist, can not recite. For few hours I am good listener. Since I am new to it I shall request for a date with partner who is experienced handling male specimens and who is not less than 45 yrs repeat not less. My mother tongue is Bengali and I hardly know another language but language is no bar. I am semi baldy and neither smart nor clean shaved nor homosexual. By the by my name is Amal Dutto, after first meet I shall say “I am not Amal Dutto”. Till I get a date or a place to post let me duck to read the other book the heavy one.
Friday, August 12, 2005
This and That 003

To believe
To believe in beliefs
To believe in disbeliefs
To disbelieve in beliefs
All are good for religions But the last option
To disbelieve in disbelief is a tool for rational thinking.
Democracy is evolving. President, Prime Minister, Parliament, Judiciary, Bureaucracy, Election (, Free Press) and permutations of these is known as Democracy at present. Where is the discussion? I understand it is very important. I see lot of bickering and lecturing but where is discussion? Not for the influential and selected few, I mean, for common man. Where is the time?
Listening to the aaddaas in tea stalls at Kolkata is an experience. I used to spend few hours in my early life here. I was wise enough to take part in discussion in any topic. AnandaBazar the Bengali daily was the feed; output was high decibel lung power through vocal chord. You the professor of economics might get blown out for not knowing E of the subject. A student of Physics, Philosophy or Filmography may find that he has many things to unlearn. Usually the discussions are limited within local political characters and football-cricket. I stopped going because last two aren’t my cup of tea. I was growing and becoming ignorant, had been another cause.
I am Indian Bangalee Calcuttan, loosing faith in arguments and discussions. And I can not read/understand serious writings. Naturally I bought the book Argumentative Indian authored by an international Nobel man fellow Bangalee Mr. Amartya Sen. Surely the language is English. Another book Freakonomics by Mr Levitt had been ordered at by me, reached just now. My hands are full. So after this one, production of garbage in August will be little less, perhaps nil, in this blog.